Happy birthday last week to my sweet little cousins Sadie and Maddie! I love you girls!
Also, happy birthday and Happy Father's day to my dad! I love you tons!!
I hope that you are all having an excellent week! The weather here has been hot, hot, hot every single day! Saturday morning all of our appointments fell so we ended up walking around for 3 hours straight in the sun looking for less active members from a list that we have. It turns out the mojority aren't less active, they just don't live here anymore haha.
We had some really great experiences this week. We found a wonderful couple and had a really spiritual lesson with them. The husband said the prayer at the end of our lesson and cried. When he finally lifted his head he told us that he wasn't ashamed to be crying because he knows that he has found something with us. He is really trying to find God and faith in Christ. He is incredible. His wife is in support of whatever will help him. They are really excited to attend church with their kids but couldn't commit to this Sunday because they already have plans but have commited to attending the next Sunday.
Also, this is how we eat mangos in Mexico! |
This has been such a great experience! There have been tough times and bad things that have happened but I have loved every second of it! I know that Christ truly died for our sins and for the tough times. He knows how to help us perfectly because He has already suffered what we are now experiencing. The plan the our loving Heavenly Father has for us is perfect! We have a divinity, a potential, that He has created for us. We can reach this potential when we are humble, completely rely on God, and have faith in Christ and His atonement.
I love you all so much! Have such wonderful weeks!
Con todo mi carazon,
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